Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lovely London

Cheerio!  In honor of the beautiful royal nuptials of Kate and Wills, I'm dedicating this week's blog to my time spent in London back in 2004.

After graduating college, the besties and I took our backpacking trip in Europe (as mentioned in The Gift of Travel Past).  Our first stop was England's most popular city and it's easy to see why.  While there, we viewed all of the tourist spots, so it was pretty amazing on Friday watching the ceremony in Westminster Abbey and the kiss at Buckingham Palace, and knowing that I've been privileged enough to be there!  In fact, of all of the churches we saw on our travels, the Abbey was hands-down top on my list.

However, the next time I visit, I hope I can be more like the locals and see other parts of the country.  Pretty much all of my favorite movies involve it in some way and it does host my most absolute favorite airport of all time, Heathrow.  So, I feel I owe it to myself and fellow travelers to be more experienced on the British subjects.  And I must get my hands on one of those splendid hats...  Oh, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, next time you'd like to entertain some out-of-towners, just let me know and I'm there!

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